I make a habit of ensuring that my freezer is stashed with healthy, easy to grab and go meals. In doing so, when I have a busy day with the kids, I won't find myself in the the drive through lane at Chik Fil A!
If you're not familiar with the concept of egg cups, they are a mixture of eggs, veggies, potatoes, cheese and/or meat mixed together and baked inside a muffin tin. I love using these silicone baking liners for easy clean up. I came up with the recipe for these Whole30 Bacon "Cheddar" Egg Cups based on the ingredients that I had in my fridge and I was super happy with the results!
These Whole30 Bacon "Cheddar" Eggs Cups have a beautiful, yellow, cheesy look to them and are completely dairy free! The recipe calls for turmeric seasoning and nutritional yeast which are my favorite, natural ways to create a nice golden, cheesy look to the egg cups. Sometimes, for my picky eater, it's all about the way something looks as to whether or not they'll like it! ;-) It also calls for some bacon! Yum! And of course, I snuck in one cup of kale into the recipe because I like to live on the edge! ;-)
The sugar free, nitrate free, Whole30 approved bacon we used for this recipe, came with our Butcher Box. Butcher Box is a monthly or bi-monthly service that ships high quality, grass fed, pasture raised meat right to your doorstep! Numerous studies have shown that there are many health benefits to consuming grass fed meat. It's higher in omega 3 fatty acids, beta carotene and conjugated linoeloc acid - which has been found to help protect against heart disease and diabetes.
If you happen to be on the fence as to whether or not you want to spend the extra money on higher quality meat, I've come to realize that our butcher box subscription, actually ends up saving us money on our grocery bills! Buying high quality meat a la carte can be very expensive! Getting a meat delivery right to my doorstep has been a great, in your face, way of ensuring that I actually plan out my meals. (Meal planning has always been a great way to keep our grocery budget from rising unexpectedly.) You can really taste a difference in this meat. It is definitely worthy of being called high quality!
My youngest surrounded by the contents of our Butcher Box delivery.
Okay, back to those amazing "cheesy" egg cups...
I try my best to be prepared for the many unexpected motherhood tasks that arise by stashing my freezer with healthy meals and snacks. In my attempts to be really organized, my good old "mom brain" sometimes forgets all the hard prep work I've done. I can't tell you how many times I've ended up late somewhere because I had to cook a "quick" meal to feed my kids, all while forgetting that the Whole30 Bacon "Cheddar" Egg Cups just had to be taken out of the freezer and heated up! *Sigh* They freeze really well and are amazing for those busy mornings when time is not on your side, the kids are hungry, cranky and you have to be somewhere! And remember, these egg cups will only save the day if you remember that they are there waiting to be eaten. ;-)
Whole30 - Paleo Bacon "Cheddar" Egg Cups
(makes about 15 egg cups)
•6 Whisked Pasture Raised Eggs
•1 Cup Chopped Kale
•1 Yellow Onion
•1 Large Tomato
•1/4 Cup Nutritional Yeast
•2 Small Red Potatoes
•6 Strips Cooked Sugar free bacon
•2 TBSP Tumerick
•1 TBSP Paprika
•1/8 Tsp Pink Salt
1. Start by cooking the bacon. I bake my bacon in a 400 degree oven on parchment paper for about 15 minutes. The oven does not have to be pre-heated. I find that it's much easier and less messy to bake it rather than frying it on the stove. While the bacon is cooking, I get the rest of the ingredients prepped.
2. Finely chop the kale, onion, tomato and potatoes. We use this food processor to make sure that it's chopped fine enough for my picky eater to be unaware of the fact that there are veggies inside this dish.
3. Mix in the nutritional yeast, turmeric, paprika and pink salt.
4. Whisk the eggs, crumble the bacon, and combine with the veggie mixture.
5. Evenly pour the egg mixture into a muffin tin. Use these measuring cup scoopers to evenly distribute the egg mixture and silicone muffin liners for easy clean up.
6. Bake the Egg cups at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until the egg has set.
Enjoy! Let me know what you think in the comments!