Ep. 20: Do you know what you value?

We all have beliefs that impact the way we view the world. In this episode, we're going to talk about whether or not what we value is driving our actions with our families...



Resources mentioned in this episode:

This episode discusses:

  • Why values are so important.

  • Why we often don’t act based on what we value.

  • Why it’s okay to feel busy if you’re living based on what you value.


Lets face it…Being a homeschooling mom who also works from home can be pure chaos! As you’ve probably already noticed, despite the occasional laugh track, life isn’t a sitcom and everyday struggles are rarely resolved in 30 minutes with commercial breaks to keep your sanity in check so the right strategies and mindset are vital for becoming more productive and less overwhelmed with all the things life throws at us. Enter the Simply Freeing Podcast…Episodes for the highly passionate, busy work at home, homeschooling mama ready to break away from cultural norms and raise life long learners. So let kick stress to the curb, throw chaos out the door and order in some peace and simplicity…with a cup of coffee, or 3.

Hello everyone!  Welcome back to the Simply Freeing Podcast! I’m your host, Jackie and today I want talk about values. Are you living a life based on what you value? Do your kids know what you value? This is something that I want to bring up because I never really thought about this growing up. This was not something that was discussed in my home. I kind of lived my life and when I got in trouble for doing something I wasn’t supposed to do, I was told that I was doing something wrong and I learned what to do and what not to do by cause-and-effect. I learned values as I went through life.

If you already have an established value system in your home, this might not be something you need to address. But so many people are not living a life based on what they value and their kids are not aware of what the values of the family are either.

We all value something! This episode is going to address whether or not our lives are aligned with what we say we value. Whether you write your values down or not, we all have them. Sometimes we’re so busy “living” that we aren’t being very intentional about anything. 

Do your kids know what you expect of them or do they just know that they can get that they can get away with anything until you blow up?

Are you and your spouse on the same page and homeschooling in life?

Where are you spending the most of your time? Is that lining up with what you say you value? Social media comes to mind for me. How much time are you spending on social media? I’m not talking about for work purposes if that’s why you’re on there. How much time are you spending scrolling on social media?

If you say you value getting healthy, for example, and you’re spending a lot of your time on your phone instead of meal planning and prepping healthy snacks for the kids, you’re not living a life based on what you say you value. 

Are you living in the car during the school year but you really value living that slower pace that we had during the pandemic. That can be changed.  Those are all things that we can put a stop to if we’re realizing that it’s just draining us of all the energy that we have. 

Do you love homeschooling or do you hate it and how is that impacting the way that you act?

Bottom line is that your values should drive your actions and when your values are driving your actions, this is when you’re going to really feel at peace having a busy life.

So if my life is busy and it is because I’m doing a lot of things…but it’s busy filled with things that I feel I’m being called to do, that is a heck of a lot better than acting out of comparison or acting out of fear or having other people lead my life and acting based on what others want me to do.

A busy life will give you so much peace if your busyness is based on your values.

My suggestion to you is to write out what you value. In our house, we have a values board and we write down all of the things that are important to us and we keep it hung up in our house.

Have conversations around this at home. Your kids should be involved in these conversations. Your spouse should be involved in these conversations. That is really how you’re going to get everybody on board and it will help create a sense of unity and connection with your family. If you sit down and talk with them about what’s important to all of you and write it as a team you’ll have something to refer back when life gets hard and you get thrown off course.

Think about what’s important in your marriage. What’s important to you in your spiritual life? What’s important with your kids?
What are the things that are going to help create more peace in your home and what are the things that are causing a lot stress?

Our goal should be to get rid of all the things that are causing us stress and replace that with things that are bringing in more peace.

There was a point in my life when I felt like everything was really truly chaos. I was breaking down crying a lot and I didn’t really know what to do. There so many things that were really overwhelming! Getting clear on my values really helped me get a handle on where I should start tackling my problems at home in order to get our family to a better place.

I hope that this episode helps you rethink what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.

Getting clear on your values is very important especially when it comes to homeschooling. Homeschooling and life are connected. It’s not natural to compartmentalize our day into pockets of time…

Now this is the time that we homeschool and now is the time that we live life.” This is often what happens but there is a better way! Our values should be driving our homeschool so that homeschooling and life can be beautifully woven together.

There’s nothing worse than having to homeschool without a sense of direction aside from following the next chapter in a textbook. This type of homeschooling can end up feeling dry and purposeless. Your homeschool should align with what you value!

I am so so excited to share that I have released a course called Lifeschooling Made Simple. By the end of this course you will know exactly how to schedule your day so that life and homeschooling are connected.

There are so many moments in homeschooling that are not related to curriculum that I believe we are missing as homeschool moms. My desire is that we can really take a good look at our lives, make dramatic changes and start to implement the right things into our day that are going to make a difference in our children’s education and in our relationships with each other.

This course is a step-by-step guide to help you walk through why you’re doing what you’re doing in order to create a homeschool that works for your specific family. There is so much comparison that comes with homeschooling. We compare ourselves all the time! I know I used to change curriculums every couple of weeks based on another conversation that I was overhearing and I never really felt confident in my decisions even though I was a teacher. That is not where I want to be and I know that’s not where you want to be.

This course is truly life changing. By the end of it, you will feel completely at peace. You will understand which homeschool schedule you need to be able to set up your day to promote more peace instead of chaos. You’ll be able to balance homeschooling and life without giving up your freedom. We all have passions and interests as moms and I think sometimes we put ourselves to the side and we don’t really invest in things that are going to lift us up and keep us going. Losing ourselves (and sometimes even our spouses) in favor of our kids is one of the worst things that we can do for our kids. It is a good thing for our children to see using our time wisely and homeschooling with joy.

I created this course because I know how hard it is to manage our time and experience so much guilt that we are not doing enough.

Lifeschooling Made Simple will help you be more consistent.

You will reduce the guilt that you’re feeling as a homeschool mom.

You’ll gain clarity around you curriculum and homeschooling community choices.

You’ll be able to overcome roadblocks that are sabotaging the success of your homeschool.

I am so excited that it’s finally been launched I’ve been working on this for over a year and this is really the heart and soul of everything that I’ve gone through in my motherhood and homeschooling journey.

I truly believe that homeschooling is an extension of your life. My hope is that you will understand how to make that happen for you as well.

You’re not going to be comparing anymore once you’re done with this course.

You won’t feel stressed about missing a day or week of homeschooling! You’ll know exactly what to do to get back on track.

You’ll be able to break down all those barriers that are making you feel guilty to be able to experience true homeschooling freedom.


More Homeschooling Resources:

Five Steps to Getting Greater Clarity in Homeschooling & Life.
A homeschooling/working mom blueprint that will help you focus on what you value.

The Reluctant Homeschooler’s Starter Kit

I hope this episode helped you consider whether or not your life is aligned with your values! I’ll see you next time!

Let’s connect on Instagram, @whole9family